Wednesday, March 26, 2014

End of 3rd Quarter

For the third quarter I was able to finish the Lidded Form project, the Tile Project, and for the last few days before the third quarter ended I came in before school and worked after class to finish the project. I was able to make four cups and I am currently working on trimming and adding lids. I will not be able to glaze, yet I am going to be able put them to fire. I was not sick or missed class due to an SOL, as the project to make the cups began I was still working on the Tile Project thus I started the cup project two days late. Despite the circumstances I worked as much and as hard as possible to get the projects in on time. I very much enjoyed all the projects, I especially enjoyed making the tiles and coming up with the design and instead of using texture to describe my word (bright) I was able to use colors and designs to describe it. One of the parts that I would like to change or to add is to the Cup Project is to make some cups and also be able to have the opportunity to make a bowl or another structure as well. I was able to practice making cylinders and improve my skills on making them. I was also able to learn how to trim and make handles, which at times it was a little stressful but at the end a great learning experience. I really wished we could have had more time to make the Cup Project, but as it turns out the project was still enjoyable. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

March Update

I have finished the Lidded form project and have glaze it. I am currently working on creating the six cups, as well as finishing the Tile Project. For the tiles I am finished with creating my design and have to only add the handles on the back for the tiles to be able to be hanged. In addition, I have to glaze and color the tiles based on my emotion; bright. We started working on the cup project the week of 2/24/14 and have been working on them until the present date, thus we have only worked on the project for three or four class periods.