Monday, May 19, 2014

May Post

*Pictures are in the Final Grade Post*

I really enjoyed making both the Animal and Bowl Projects, I was able to be challenged to figure out how to make the body of my animal and for the bowls I was able to practice centering the clay. I mostly had a difficulty time with the Animal Project managing my time and being able to progress through out to have the animal in on time and be able to move to the next project. I was able to overcome time management by really focusing on making the body and make a quick sketch and not try to make the body perfect and worry about every detail.  For the Bowl Project the most challenging part was centering the clay and making the walls of the bowls not too thin.  I was able to overcome this obstacle by having the help of Mrs. Gleeson explaining me the steps of how to center the piece, and for not making the bowl wall too thin I had to be patient and feel the clay when making it bigger and taller. Overall I was able to complete both projects and at the same time better my hand making skills.

Final Grades

I was able to complete making the bowls as well as make my animal. I have to still glaze both projects, but so far I have completed making the project assigned. In addition, I was able to start but not finish the Salt and Pepper Project. Since the project was a two day project one of the two days I had to finish trimming the bowls and the second I was able to start the project, yet I was not able to complete it in one day making mushroom like shakers.

The above pictures are pictures of glazed items but that still have to be put into the fire one last time, thus some of the items have not come out from the fire. For all the bowls I made I used the wheel to make them and used clear or blue colors for the glaze. One of the bowls did not come out with the correct color, but the others were able to come out with the colors I chose.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Animals or Bowls

I am really excited to do a baby panda sculpture, but I know that my biggest challenge is going to sculpt and make the clay position the body of the panda. I am looking forward to the end product and as long as I work diligently and keep trying I will be able to succeed and have fun with the project. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

End of 3rd Quarter

For the third quarter I was able to finish the Lidded Form project, the Tile Project, and for the last few days before the third quarter ended I came in before school and worked after class to finish the project. I was able to make four cups and I am currently working on trimming and adding lids. I will not be able to glaze, yet I am going to be able put them to fire. I was not sick or missed class due to an SOL, as the project to make the cups began I was still working on the Tile Project thus I started the cup project two days late. Despite the circumstances I worked as much and as hard as possible to get the projects in on time. I very much enjoyed all the projects, I especially enjoyed making the tiles and coming up with the design and instead of using texture to describe my word (bright) I was able to use colors and designs to describe it. One of the parts that I would like to change or to add is to the Cup Project is to make some cups and also be able to have the opportunity to make a bowl or another structure as well. I was able to practice making cylinders and improve my skills on making them. I was also able to learn how to trim and make handles, which at times it was a little stressful but at the end a great learning experience. I really wished we could have had more time to make the Cup Project, but as it turns out the project was still enjoyable. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

March Update

I have finished the Lidded form project and have glaze it. I am currently working on creating the six cups, as well as finishing the Tile Project. For the tiles I am finished with creating my design and have to only add the handles on the back for the tiles to be able to be hanged. In addition, I have to glaze and color the tiles based on my emotion; bright. We started working on the cup project the week of 2/24/14 and have been working on them until the present date, thus we have only worked on the project for three or four class periods.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Lidded Form

The Lidded Form project was really fun, I  enjoyed coming up with a unique design to apply to the hump molds. Instead of adding handles I was able to add the coils around as well as in the top. The most difficult part was to pick out a good texture that would go well with the type of mold I chose. Also I am working on the Tile project, first I have to pick out my design and then start decorating the tiles. When glazing the small box I plant to first wax the bottom, then start with the inside and fill the inside to about half way with the color I chose and then swirl it around for the glaze to get to all the inside parts. Then I will continue with the outside and glaze the outside parts. After while the small box is drying, I will glaze the top piece by it self, but at the same time making sure the sides of the top are waxed as well as the opening of the top of the small box for the two pieces to fit well together. For the tiles I will first paint the design I choose, and then move to glazing each tile individually to perhaps use different colors per tile. Both of the project enhanced my abilities to use different textures and also be able to use the texture to express emotions, the projects provided a unique experience and were fun to work with. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Catch Up


 I was able to make my cylinder five and a half inches tall, thus making my grade an 88%.

Based on the rubric given, overall I fall under the Standard 4 and 5 category. I mostly agree with the description of Standard 5, in the skills of handling composition and form I understand very well the elements and principles of how to use them specially in the different projects I do. For the Technical Skills I mostly have a strong quality with most aspects of technique and materials used to applying basic art to the crafts I create. In addition, when it comes to problem solving I am able to resolve problems with the use of my peers, yet many times I also need the help from Mrs. Gleeson yet while having a good sense of direction I do not fully resolve the problem. In all my work I put forth good effort, I want to always try my best to be satisfy with the crafts I do. I like to try even when things get tough, and with the help of Mrs. Gleeson I am able to do so. Also in putting effort comes a level of creativity, I very much try to make unique pieces. I try to make the piece mine, and add something even if it is small that will remind me of something meaningful to me. Overall I fall under the Standard 5 category, yet in the future I look forward to improving my skills.