Friday, November 15, 2013

Finished Lanterns

I really enjoyed doing this project, I liked looking at different pictures and learning that those pictures are able to be traced and used to make a lantern. It was a great lesson and opportunity to learn that to make a lantern all it takes is clay, tracing, slipping and scoring, carving, and effort. It was difficult making sure that the slabs were all the same size and that they fitted together, as well as working deligenly to get the project done. I was unable to finish my project on time, however my goal and plan is to come in the mornings the following week to finish the project while staring the new project right on time during class time.  I have one suggestion to improve the project, before tracing the picture for the actual slabs that will be used for the lantern. It would be a great idea to get a piece of flat clay and trace different pictures to see how the picture will possibly look like before deciding on the actual image that will be used for the lantern. Thus the person would have different options of images to choose from, than just looking at the picture on paper or the different books with the images.

Friday, November 1, 2013


I have run into one major problem with making a four-sided lantern: time. Time and the end of the quarter has made me not progress in my lantern project. I was caught  up working and finishing my coil pot, and then getting my picture for the lantern. To resolve the problem I have goals, I know I have about a week left to finish the lantern. Thus to be able to manage my time well, I plan to start getting my slabs cut out today. Then next class to start imprinting my picture into the slabs, then be able to start connecting my slabs together to then carve my image. I have small amount of time, but if I manage my time well and perhaps stay after school somedays I will be able to get the project done on time.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


            For my glazed piece I used Metallic Green and Shino. When glazing, first I had to wash my hands and wipe out the dust out of my bisque ware; it is important to wash hands and wipe out the dust so then the glaze is able to stick better to the pot. Afterwards I applied wax to the bottom of the piece with a brush, it is always essential to apply wax thus when glazing the glaze would be able to be easily wiped off the bottom of the piece, to then place the pot on a surface to let dry.  Then before placing my pot in the glaze, I had to mix well the glaze with a whisk. I started with the Metallic Green glaze, and filled the inside of the piece half way with a measuring cup. Then I swirled my piece for the glaze to spread throughout the inside. Then I let my piece dry, I then took tongs and held my piece and place it inside the bucket with the Metallic Green glaze for one and a half minute. While making sure that the inside of my pot was not filled up with glaze while dipping the pot in the bucket. After letting my pot stay in contact with the glaze only for one and a half minute, I took out the piece and wiped out the bottom, then I let dry and repeated the same steps with the Shino glaze.  At the end I took a sponge to wipe off the foot of my piece, for the pot to be fired.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Pinch Pots

        When creating my pinch pot, I had to "slip and score" to connect two of my pieces together.  To score I had to take a rib with zigzag to make line shapes on top of each separate piece. Then I used slip, or watered down clay to put on top of each piece to then connect them. It is very important to "slip and score" as it helps each piece being attached to each other to lock and stick together, to then not break apart when being dried. In addition to show manipulation of the clay I had to use symmetry. In order to show symmetry I had to make both sides and curves of my pot look the same. I was able to accomplish the curves by using a throwing stick and push out clay from the inside. Also through my pattern, I was able to use similar designs to show symmetry around the pot.  

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Welcome to Ceramics

My Mother.

     My mom has been one of the most influential figures in my life. There is a quote by Edwin Hubbell Chapin that is able to describe a portion of how much my mom means to me, he said, " No language can express the power, and beauty, and heroism, and majesty of a mother's love. It shrinks not where man cowers, and grows stronger where man faints, and over wastes of worldly fortunes sends the radiance of its quenchless fidelity like a star." My mother is a blessing in my life, in which provides care even when I may not think I need it. She is always supporting and pushing me to become a better person, by finding appreciation for education and the opportunities God has given me. She gives me love, and even much more when I misbehave. By seeing her work long hours everyday to provide for my siblings and myself, I become full of hope, that one day I will be able to provide for her just as she is doing for me. She holds such an important place in my heart, that when I think of her not being part of my life I feel as if I will also die, just as the flowers do when Winter time comes along. My mom is like water as is to a plant, without it it is difficult to survive.